3 Matching

1. correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect; make or be harmonious.
2. be equal to (something) in quality or strength.

As the name suggests, propensity score matching is concerned with matching treatment to control observations…

Matching Methods

3.0.1 Nearest Neighbor Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “nearest”)

3.0.2 Optimal Pair Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “optimal”)

3.0.3 Optimal Full Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “full”)

3.0.4 Generalized Full Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “quick”)

3.0.5 Genetic Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “genetic”)

X <- cbind(age, educ, black, hisp, married, nodegr, re74, re75, u74, u75) BalanceMatrix <- cbind(age, I(age^2), educ, I(educ^2), black, hisp, married, nodegr, re74, I(re74^2), re75, I(re75^2), u74, u75, I(re74 * re75), I(age * nodegr), I(educ * re74), I(educ * re75)) gen1 <- GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X, BalanceMatrix = BalanceMatrix, pop.size = 1000)

3.0.6 Exact Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “exact”)

3.0.7 Coarsened Exact Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “cem”)

3.0.8 Subclassification

MatchIt::matchit(method = “subclass”)

3.0.9 Cardinality and Profile Matching

MatchIt::matchit(method = “cardinality”)

lr_out <- glm(lalonde.formu, 
              data = lalonde,
              family = binomial(link = logit))
lalonde$lr_ps <- fitted(lr_out)  # Propensity scores
Propensity Scores from Logistic Regression with Sample of Matched Pairs

Figure 3.1: Propensity Scores from Logistic Regression with Sample of Matched Pairs

3.1 One-to-One Matching ATE

One-to-one matching with replacement (the M = 1 option). Estimating the treatment effect on the treated (default is ATT).

rr_att <- Match(Y = lalonde$re78, 
                Tr = lalonde$treat, 
                X = lalonde$lr_ps,
                M = 1,
summary(rr_att) # The default estimate is ATT here
## Estimate...  2153.3 
## AI SE......  825.4 
## T-stat.....  2.6088 
## p.val......  0.0090858 
## Original number of observations..............  445 
## Original number of treated obs...............  185 
## Matched number of observations...............  185 
## Matched number of observations  (unweighted).  346

3.1.1 Checking Balance

rr_att_mb <- psa::MatchBalance(
    df = lalonde,
    formu = lalonde.formu,
    formu.Y = update.formula(lalonde.formu, re78 ~ .),
    index.treated = rr_att$index.treated,
    index.control = rr_att$index.control,
    tolerance = 0.25,
    M = 1,
    estimand = 'ATT')
Covariate Balance Plot for Matching

Figure 3.2: Covariate Balance Plot for Matching

# ls(rr_att_mb)
## Sample sizes and number of matches:
##    Group   n n.matched n.percent.matched
##  Treated 185       185         1.0000000
##  Control 260       173         0.6653846
##    Total 445       358         0.8044944
## Covariate importance and t-tests for matched pairs:
##           Import.Treat Import.Y Import.Total std.estimate       t p.value
## I(educ^2)        1.931   1.5228        3.453     -0.04903 -0.8916  0.3732
## educ             2.099   1.2121        3.311     -0.05483 -0.9577  0.3389
## black            0.705   1.8424        2.547     -0.02326 -0.5383  0.5907
## I(re74^2)        0.353   1.6415        1.994      0.07581  2.0955  0.0369
## u75              0.852   0.9435        1.796     -0.06655 -1.8144  0.0705
## hisp             1.731   0.0404        1.771      0.02042  0.8161  0.4150
## nodegr           1.090   0.5011        1.591      0.03496  1.0914  0.2759
## re74             0.280   1.1019        1.382      0.07979  1.7483  0.0813
## re75             0.642   0.5903        1.232      0.06147  1.3171  0.1887
## age              0.237   0.6729        0.910      0.00896  0.1374  0.8908
## married          0.646   0.1406        0.787      0.04627  1.0000  0.3180
## I(re75^2)        0.390   0.3817        0.772      0.05125  1.0364  0.3007
## I(age^2)         0.232   0.5096        0.742      0.00297  0.0438  0.9651
## u74              0.184   0.0702        0.254      0.03913  0.7495  0.4541
##             ci.min  ci.max PercentMatched
## I(educ^2) -0.15719 0.05913           60.4
## educ      -0.16744 0.05778           60.1
## black     -0.10826 0.06173           91.0
## I(re74^2)  0.00465 0.14696           86.7
## u75       -0.13870 0.00559           89.3
## hisp      -0.02879 0.06963           98.3
## nodegr    -0.02804 0.09797           93.9
## re74      -0.00998 0.16956           77.2
## re75      -0.03032 0.15326           78.0
## age       -0.11922 0.13713           44.8
## married   -0.04474 0.13728           89.6
## I(re75^2) -0.04602 0.14852           88.7
## I(age^2)  -0.13062 0.13656           49.7
## u74       -0.06356 0.14183           81.5

3.2 One-to-One matching (ATT)

rr.ate <- Match(Y = lalonde$re78, 
                Tr = lalonde$treat, 
                X = lalonde$lr_ps,
                M = 1,
                estimand = 'ATE')
## Estimate...  2013.3 
## AI SE......  817.76 
## T-stat.....  2.4619 
## p.val......  0.013819 
## Original number of observations..............  445 
## Original number of treated obs...............  185 
## Matched number of observations...............  445 
## Matched number of observations  (unweighted).  756

3.3 One-to-Many Matching (ATT)

rr2 <- Match(Y = lalonde$re78,      
             Tr = lalonde$treat, 
             X = lalonde$lr_ps,
             M = 1, 
             ties = TRUE, 
             replace = TRUE,
             estimand = 'ATT')
summary(rr2) # The default estimate is ATT here
## Estimate...  2153.3 
## AI SE......  825.4 
## T-stat.....  2.6088 
## p.val......  0.0090858 
## Original number of observations..............  445 
## Original number of treated obs...............  185 
## Matched number of observations...............  185 
## Matched number of observations  (unweighted).  346

3.4 The MatchIt Package

matchit.out <- MatchIt::matchit(lalonde.formu, data = lalonde)
## Call:
## MatchIt::matchit(formula = lalonde.formu, data = lalonde)
## Summary of Balance for All Data:
##           Means Treated Means Control Std. Mean Diff. Var. Ratio eCDF Mean
## distance         0.4468        0.3936          0.4533     1.2101    0.1340
## age             25.8162       25.0538          0.1066     1.0278    0.0254
## I(age^2)       717.3946      677.3154          0.0929     1.0115    0.0254
## educ            10.3459       10.0885          0.1281     1.5513    0.0287
## I(educ^2)      111.0595      104.3731          0.1701     1.6625    0.0287
## black            0.8432        0.8269          0.0449          .    0.0163
## hisp             0.0595        0.1077         -0.2040          .    0.0482
## married          0.1892        0.1538          0.0902          .    0.0353
## nodegr           0.7081        0.8346         -0.2783          .    0.1265
## re74          2095.5740     2107.0268         -0.0023     0.7381    0.0192
## I(re74^2) 28141433.9907 36667413.1577         -0.0747     0.5038    0.0192
## re75          1532.0556     1266.9092          0.0824     1.0763    0.0508
## I(re75^2) 12654752.6909 11196530.0057          0.0260     1.4609    0.0508
## u74              0.7081        0.7500         -0.0921          .    0.0419
## u75              0.6000        0.6846         -0.1727          .    0.0846
##           eCDF Max
## distance    0.2244
## age         0.0652
## I(age^2)    0.0652
## educ        0.1265
## I(educ^2)   0.1265
## black       0.0163
## hisp        0.0482
## married     0.0353
## nodegr      0.1265
## re74        0.0471
## I(re74^2)   0.0471
## re75        0.1075
## I(re75^2)   0.1075
## u74         0.0419
## u75         0.0846
## Summary of Balance for Matched Data:
##           Means Treated Means Control Std. Mean Diff. Var. Ratio eCDF Mean
## distance         0.4468        0.4284          0.1571     1.3077    0.0387
## age             25.8162       25.1351          0.0952     1.1734    0.0243
## I(age^2)       717.3946      675.1676          0.0979     1.1512    0.0243
## educ            10.3459       10.2649          0.0403     1.2869    0.0174
## I(educ^2)      111.0595      108.4919          0.0653     1.3938    0.0174
## black            0.8432        0.8486         -0.0149          .    0.0054
## hisp             0.0595        0.0703         -0.0457          .    0.0108
## married          0.1892        0.1892          0.0000          .    0.0000
## nodegr           0.7081        0.7676         -0.1308          .    0.0595
## re74          2095.5740     1741.2109          0.0725     1.5797    0.0146
## I(re74^2) 28141433.9907 18066538.6428          0.0883     3.5436    0.0146
## re75          1532.0556     1314.8073          0.0675     1.3933    0.0264
## I(re75^2) 12654752.6909  9126579.7979          0.0630     3.4873    0.0264
## u74              0.7081        0.7243         -0.0357          .    0.0162
## u75              0.6000        0.6108         -0.0221          .    0.0108
##           eCDF Max Std. Pair Dist.
## distance    0.1189          0.1585
## age         0.0541          0.8159
## I(age^2)    0.0541          0.7701
## educ        0.0595          0.7662
## I(educ^2)   0.0595          0.7604
## black       0.0054          0.5798
## hisp        0.0108          0.2286
## married     0.0000          0.2378
## nodegr      0.0595          0.5588
## re74        0.0432          0.6080
## I(re74^2)   0.0432          0.3620
## re75        0.0649          0.7292
## I(re75^2)   0.0649          0.3690
## u74         0.0162          0.7728
## u75         0.0108          0.7282
## Sample Sizes:
##           Control Treated
## All           260     185
## Matched       185     185
## Unmatched      75       0
## Discarded       0       0
# Same as above but calculate average treatment effect
rr.ate <- Match(Y = lalonde$re78, 
                Tr = lalonde$treat, 
                X = lalonde$lr_ps,
                M = 1,
                ties = FALSE, 
                replace = FALSE, 
summary(rr.ate) # Here the estimate is ATE
## Estimate...  2130.3 
## SE.........  496.24 
## T-stat.....  4.2929 
## p.val......  1.7638e-05 
## Original number of observations..............  445 
## Original number of treated obs...............  185 
## Matched number of observations...............  370 
## Matched number of observations  (unweighted).  370
## Genetic Matching
rr.gen <- GenMatch(Tr = lalonde$treat, 
                   X = lalonde$lr_ps, 
                   BalanceMatrix = lalonde[,all.vars(lalonde.formu)[-1]],
                   estimand = 'ATE', 
                   M = 1, 
                   pop.size = 16,
                   print.level = 0)
rr.gen.mout <- Match(Y = lalonde$re78, 
                     Tr = lalonde$treat, 
                     X = lalonde$lr_ps,
                     estimand = 'ATE',
                     Weight.matrix = rr.gen)
## Estimate...  2159 
## AI SE......  814.91 
## T-stat.....  2.6494 
## p.val......  0.0080631 
## Original number of observations..............  445 
## Original number of treated obs...............  185 
## Matched number of observations...............  445 
## Matched number of observations  (unweighted).  650
## Partial exact matching
rr2 <- Matchby(Y = lalonde$re78, 
               Tr = lalonde$treat, 
               X = lalonde$lr_ps, 
               by = factor(lalonde$nodegr),
               print.level = 0)
## Estimate...  2333.2 
## SE.........  682.81 
## T-stat.....  3.417 
## p.val......  0.00063307 
## Original number of observations..............  445 
## Original number of treated obs...............  185 
## Matched number of observations...............  185 
## Matched number of observations  (unweighted).  185
## Partial exact matching on two covariates
rr3 <- Matchby(Y = lalonde$re78, 
               Tr = lalonde$treat, 
               X = lalonde$lr_ps, 
               by = lalonde[,c('nodegr','married')],
               print.level = 0)
## Estimate...  1961.7 
## SE.........  701.93 
## T-stat.....  2.7947 
## p.val......  0.0051952 
## Original number of observations..............  445 
## Original number of treated obs...............  185 
## Matched number of observations...............  185 
## Matched number of observations  (unweighted).  185